New York Branch Hosts Pre-Commemoration Event for the 9th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit

  • New York – Homeland News – From-HWPL
    On August 13th, over 150 people gathered at the CUNY School of Law for the
    pre-commemoration event for the 9th Anniversary of the September 18th
    HWPL World Peace Summit. Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of
    Light (HWPL) is an international peace NGO afliated with the United Nations
    Economic and Social Council and the Department of Global Communications.
    The organization is working actively around the world to promote peace and
    cessation of war.
    For the rst time since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, HWPL’s annual
    commemoration ceremony will take place near its headquarters in South Korea.
    Delegates from the United Nations, religious leaders and other peace
    ambassadors are expected to attend the World Peace Summit, where various
    sessions are scheduled to take place September 18th – 20th under the theme of
    the Implementation of Multidimensional Strategies for Institutional Peace.
    The pre-commemoration event highlighted the New York HWPL Branch’s
    efforts and progress made within the past year, including the debut of the
    Religious Peace Academy with the input of all 12 branches of HWPL
    worldwide and the hosting of a total of 33 interfaith dialogues with leaders
    from seven different religions. Interfaith harmony, in addition to peace
    education and working toward an end to all war and conict, are among the
    key initiatives of HWPL. Other works and projects were highlighted during the
    event, which featured speeches from journalists on the role of media in
    achieving sustainable peace and a special dance performance conveying the way
    in which music and dance can transcend language and culture.
HWPL New York
HWPL New York

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