UN Member States and Civil Society Unite to Promote World Peace

New York – Homemad News – HWPL
On September 27th, over 100 people gathered at the United Nations Church Center Chapel in New York for an event commemorating the UN International Day of Peace. Titled, “Multi-stakeholder Approach to Peace and Reconciliation in Addressing Religious Conicts In Observance of the International Day of Peace,” the program brought together delegates and other entities ailiated with the UN, local religious leaders and civil society organizations to promote peace, reconciliation, religious freedom and tolerance. The event also commemorated the 10th anniversary of the September 18th World Peace Summit, hosted annually by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL). The event began with opening remarks by UN Ambassadors who co-sponsored the event, followed by a commemorative photo and a special performance by HWPL volunteers, who sang classics songs about peace. During the speaking segment, ambassadors delivered powerful remarks about the important of tolerance, respect and promoting a culture of peace, highlighting this year’s 25th anniversary of the historic resolution 53/243. Civil society organizations were also in attendance to speak regarding the link between peace and climate change, and the role of religious leaders in promoting peace. The commemorative event in New York follows other HWPL 10-year anniversary events that have taken place in September in countries around the world. During the World Peace Summit held at the HWPL headquarters in South Korea, around 100,000 participants gathered. HWPL, a non-governmental organization ailiated with the UN Economic and Social Council and the Department of Global Communications, hosted its rst World Peace Summit in Seoul in 2014. At that time, many countries were invited, and the Summit addressed various issues, including conict resolution, religious harmony, and the implementation of legal measures for sustaining peace.